5 Ways to Engage Attendees After Your Event

Event Engagement: 5 Ways to Engage More Attendees After Your Event

Are you looking about how you can increase engagement of your attendees on your events? Here is ultimate guide about 5 ways to Engage Attendees after your event.

Online event management can be a grueling task for those who don’t have the appropriate tools on their website. While it is an essential part of any business with so many advantages, the improper presentation of events can reduce user engagement to rubble for companies.

User engagement is not only affected by what you do before holding the event but also the way you treat your participants after it.

The ultimate goal is not just to attract audiences to the event on the day of holding it. You can increase revenues by having more conversions if you keep people involved in your events and activities after events.

Here we go through an overview of the MEC plugin, which is the best WordPress event calendar enabling you to increase user engagement both before and after your events. You will then learn about five practical approaches to engage attendees after your events properly.

First of all, let’s dive into some of the main features of this WordPress plugin that are required for a successful event marketing plan.

The Best Event Management Software 1

If you are interested on choosing the best WordPress event management software, you should read this: Best WordPress Event Calendar Plugins Ultimate Guide

Modern Events Calendar Introduction

Modern Events Calendar Addons - Features

A feature-rich WordPress event calendar is your great asset for having positive communication with your audiences. The modern and stylish design of MEC, alongside its numerous features, gives you all you require for the best event management experience.

For a typical user, the capabilities provided in the free version of the plugin will go far beyond all their needs. The features implemented in the free version can be found in the premium version of other similar products like EventOn, The Events Calendar, and Events Manager.

However, if you need more advanced and customized tools, upgrading to the Pro version will be a cost-efficient option.

The following picture can give you a better grasp of the event marketing options available in the plugin:

Best WordPress Event Calendars Comparison Table

Modern Events Calendar plugin lets you create all types of recurring and single events that are fully customizable. Events can be personalized to the last details and then be displayed on your website engagingly with eye-catching layouts.

You can choose from full calendar views, sliders, countdowns, carousels, etc. and display events most engagingly. These views are compatible with popular WordPress page builders such as Elementor and Visual Composer. Additionally, you can add a booking feature to each of your events so that your users will be able to purchase tickets and make reservations online.

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The developer team of Modern Events Calendar plugin has kept the business aspects of event management in mind and provided integration features with other famous online marketing tools such as Mailchimp.

Over the year 2019, more than ten practical addons were added to the plugin that takes the functionality of this tool to an entirely new level.

These features include a WooCommerce addon that integrates your online shop with MEC for a more convenient experience.

Elementor features, Event API, and User Dashboard addon are some of the other addons that add to the credibility and functionality of the plugin.

In simple words, all your event marketing and post-event marketing needs are already covered in the plugin.

With the regular updates that are being published for the product, you can be sure to select it as the ultimate choice for your online event management.

How to Re-engage the Audience After an Event?

Re-Engage Audience After an Event | Engage Attendees After Event

All the stages of an event life cycle are essential for the overall success of event marketing. But, caused by a lack of time and resources, we often focus on audience engagement before and during an event.

After-event engagement practices help you build higher loyalty around your brand and meet your business goals more efficiently.

Additionally, you can extend your reach by providing those who haven’t been able to attend your event with what they have missed.

The following ideas can assist you in engaging people after the event:

Send Emails

Send Emails to Re-Engage Audience | Engage Attendees After Event

Sending emails to your participants after the event is an excellent way of keeping and even increasing user engagement.

Create personalized and relevant emails while using the recipient’s name to share an authentic thank you message.

Keep in mind that emails, which include the name of the recipient, have more chances to be opened. You can say thanks by filming a short video of yourself, sharing it with them through email, and letting them know about other relevant activities you may have.

Mailchimp Integration

Mailchimp Integration

With our Mailchimp integration, you can add your existing submission data to your newsletter list. To enable this feature, you should get an API Key and List ID from your Mailchimp account. Following this you can send emails with modern event calendar.

Mailchimp Integration with MEC Docs

Polls and surveys are likewise great methods to check how your audiences feel about the event content and their overall experience.

Some experts suggest taking a poll during an event and another vote after it. Then you can compare the results to find the shortcomings and make the necessary improvements.

Another useful idea could be applying the surveys to topical issues and asking their opinions in those regards.

Whatever you decide to do, just make sure your survey is short and sweet. Popular email marketing platforms such as Mailchimp, Mailer Lite, Constant Contact, and Campaign Monitor or survey tool like JotForm Survey Maker provide you with easy-to-use features for creating and sending surveys to your audience.

Connections after the event by email show people that your company cares about them and aims at solving their problems.

Use this chance of event marketing wisely to increase their trust in your brand.

Share Photos and Videos of the Event on Social Media

Share Events on Social Media | Engage Attendees After Event

How can you keep in touch with people and promote post-event marketing easier than sending them pictures and videos from the event?

You can do it by sharing the content on social media such as Facebook and Instagram, and tagging the participants so they can relive their time or notice what they have missed out on. Creating blog posts and photo galleries on your website is another proper way of sharing the videos and photos in one place.

Using a specific hashtag for advertising the event is another right approach to take. You can later use it to search for photos and videos shared by other users on social media.

This way, you can share the good pictures and videos taken by them with other audiences. Make sure to ask for permission beforehand.

Moreover, if you have photos of your speakers, organizers, or other influential attendees, tag them and share your idea of how it has been great for you to meet them in person.

Cross-pollination is another excellent strategy to strengthen social accounts. For instance, use Facebook to increase the number of followers on Instagram or Twitter and vice versa.

Doing so will give your social presence a better event marketing power and, as a result, attracts more and more people towards you.

Publish the Event Content

Publish the Event Content | Engage Attendees After Event

Always make sure that people receive the presentation, PDFs, educational videos, or any other material they were promised during the event.

Don’t keep them waiting for these files since it conveys a message of not caring about them. Even if you don’t have to send files, prepare, and share a valuable summary of the content presented in the event as a part of maintaining communications.

Your event content is a high potential for building a reputation and improving event marketing, so let people use it after the event in a proper layout.

In order to make your content more attractive, you can convert it into infographics so that it will be made easier for individuals to take in.

The more visual elements you use, the more understandable it will become. People now tend to see everything in the format of videos and pictures rather than reading long lines of words and texts.

Also, since some participants may arrive at the event or leave it late, they might not see all the scheduled parts. For this reason, it is a good idea to send a summary of your agenda to everyone so that those people will finally know what had happened during the event when they were not present.

Don’t forget to include some photos and videos in your summary report to make it more appealing. You can add a call-to-action button in the end and encourage them to attend the next session or visit your website.

Aside from publishing the content of your event, share relevant posts and topics regularly, too. You might have just held a mind-blowing seminar about the latest digital trends. But if your social feed is filled with pictures of sports cars, you will soon lose the following you have made great endeavors to earn.

Being more authentic requires remembering who your audience is and what they want when they visit your website or social accounts.

Personalize Information

Personalize Information for Users | Engage Attendees After Event

You can provide a wide range of information to your community, but the best way is to personalize them based on your attendees’ data. What do they like and want the most?

Here comes the benefit of a proper WordPress event calendar system. If you use an appropriate tool, taking a quick look at the data gives you a lot of useful insights about the sessions participants have reserved and the ones they attended. This way, you deliver them just what they need.

Using the information obtained by surveys is likewise a means of discovering what your participants now want. It is a good idea to create profiles for your attendees based on the details you have obtained about them in an attempt to learn more about their preferences.

You can get the most out of the engagement activities by creating future sessions with their help and according to their ideas.

Hold Q&A; Sessions

Hold Q&A Sessions | Engage Attendees After Event

A proper post-event marketing strategy consists of permanent communication with people. Actively listening to the participants’ feedback should be a top priority for you.

Taking questions from the participants is common for hosts during an event, but there may not be enough time for that in some cases.

Therefore, it’s wise to provide a chance to ask questions after the event.

You can host these sessions live on Instagram or Facebook and let them submit what they want to know. Doing so will not only keep the conversation going but also shows your attention to their concerns.

MEC Plugin Benefits for Post-event Marketing

Considering the descriptions above, opting for the best WordPress event calendar can assist you significantly in improving user engagement.

The Modern Events calendar plugin can be fully integrated with email marketing tools such as Mailchimp.

This way, you can benefit from the marketing features of this platform to send personalized emails and use the insights to your advantage. This feature enables you to create exclusive lists of recipients and send them content, thank-you message, and even call-to-actions that best matches their needs and preferences.

Modern Events Calendar - Mailchimp Integration | Best Event Management Software

As earlier stated out, you should engage attendees before, during, and after the event.

The booking feature of the MEC plugin brings you a world of customization from the early stages since you can design custom receipts and emails for each participant.

Moreover, it is a source of information about the attendees’ preferences and habits. You can use this information and even export them as CSV files to be used in other platforms efficiently, or customize your content accordingly.

Integration with social accounts is another event management benefit that increases consistency between all of your activities and, as a result, attracting more people towards your brand.


Post-event marketing and engagement activities are a vital part of business success, which is often underestimated by event-holders and businesses.

Keep consistency in mind and use the best available tools that assist you to oil the wheels of your tasks.

Modern Events Calendar provides the best experience before and after your events with the great features it entails.

You will be assured about the attendees’ data by installing this plugin on your website, and eventually, the post-event engagement will become a much simpler task to accomplish.